What is in the $110 billion disaster supplemental? A breakdown...
After the catastrophic landfall of Hurricanes Helene and Milton, Congress has been under pressure to pass a budget supplemental to replenish everything from the Disaster Relief Fund to HUD’s Community-Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery program (The White House requested $98.6 billion in funds for disaster relief and recovery last month, and disaster survivors were busy last week directly lobbying Congress to act). Yesterday the house released the text of the bill with the catchy title “Further Continuing Appropriations and Disaster Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2025.” Following is my quick summary. These are not comprehensive of the many (many) items in the supplemental, and mea culpa on any typos or mistakes.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency
$29 billion for the Disaster Relief Fund, $28 billion of which is for major disaster declarations
$1.5 billion to the ‘‘Hermit’s Peak/Calf 11 Canyon Fire Assistance Account’’
Housing and Urban Development
$12 billion to the Community Development Fund, to fund the Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery program authorized under the legislation
The Department of Commerce
$1.5 billion to the Economic Development Administration for assistance related to disaster relief, recovery and infrastructure repair
$1 billion to NOAA, including money for disaster relief and recovery for fisheries
Small Business Administration
$2.25 billion for the cost of administering SBA disaster loans
Department of Agriculture
$30.78 billion for producers who have lost revenue, crops, or crop quality due to disasters in 2023-2024, up to $2 billion of which can be used to support livestock producers.
$230 million in block grants to states with less than $250 million per year in agricultural production, to support farmers impacted by disasters.
$356 million for the Emergency Forest Restoration Program
$828 million for the Emergency Conservation Program
$920 million for the Emergency Watershed Protection Program
$362.5 million for the Rural Disaster Assistance Fund
$25 million for the Domestic Food Program
Environmental Protection Agency
$17 million to the Leaking Underground 20 Storage Tank Trust Fund Program
$3 billion for State and Tribal Assistance Grants, including $1.23 billion for capitalization grants for Clean Water State Revolving Funds and $1.7 billion for capitalization grants under the Safe Drinking Water Act
$85 million additional same as above but specific to Milton and Helene to “to improve the resilience of decentralized wastewater treatment systems to flooding, to assess the potential to connect homes served by decentralized wastewater treatment systems to centralized wastewater systems, and to fund such connections.”
$95 million for hazardous waste financial assistance grants related to Milton and Helene
Department of Transportation
$8 billion for the Emergency Relief Program, provided that the federal share of recovery costs for the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse is 100%
Forest Service
$68 million for expenses related to the consequences of calendar year 2022, 2023, and 2024 wildfires, hurricanes, and other natural disasters
$26 million for Forest and Rangeland Research, for expenses related to the consequences of calendar year 2022, 2023, and 2024 wildfires, hurricanes, and other natural disasters
$208 million for state, tribal and private forestry (for expenses related to…same as above), of which $14 million is for Forest Health Protection assistance to States for an emerging eastern spruce budworm outbreak approaching the northeastern U.S. border
$6 billion for the National Forest System
The Department of Justice
$65 million to repair federal prisons and correctional facilities damaged by disasters
$740 million to NASA for repair of facilities
Department of Defense
$1.7 billion for various damages related to Typhoon Marwar
$60 million to the Veterans Health Administration related to damages from Helene and Milton
Department of State
$250 million for ‘construction’ for the International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico Construction
Army Corps of Engineers
$20 million for new and/or ongoing studies of flood and storm damage reduction studies
$750 million to address emergency situations at various Army Corps assets, including along the Gulf Coast
$745 million for disaster preparedness and response
Department of the Interior
$75 million for repair projects, including $25 million for repairs from before 2024.
$58 million to the Bureau of Land Management for expenses related to the consequences of disasters before calendar year 2024
$500 million to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for expenses related to the consequences of disasters before calendar year 2024
$50 million to the National Park Service for the Historic Preservation Fund for expenses related to the consequences of disasters before calendar year 2024
$2.3 billion to the National Park Service for expenses related to the consequences of disasters before and in calendar year 2024
Department of Energy
$60 million for damages to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve
The Supreme Court
$13.5 million for the protection of residences of Supreme Court justices
Coast Guard
$102.5 million for repairs and expenses related to the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse
$210 million for “necessary expenses related to the consequences of disasters”
Bureau of Indian Education
$153 million for necessary expenses related to the consequences of natural disasters occurring in and prior to calendar year 2024
Health and Human Services
$500 million for payments to states for the Child Care and Development block grant